Sunday, January 20, 2019

Turning Forty-four

On the eve before my 44th birthday, I sit and reflect on things I need to focus more on this year.  I have 4 birthday resolutions that I will try my best-est to make sure I stick to this year.  First, I will eat healthier.  In the last few years, I have not paid any attention to what I eat.  Basically just eating what I want, when I want, and in quantities that I want.  Obviously, that eating style coupled with my slowed down metabolism (thanks to my age) and just genes in general have resulted in weight gain.  So, I definitely want to now really pay attention to what I eat - not deprive or starve myself - but be more conscious of what I am fueling myself with.

Second, I want to exercise more.  That's kind of misleading.  "exercise more" implies exercise has been or is being done when in fact, no exercise is happening.  So I guess the statement should be "I want to exercise". Jojo is gifting me with a treadmill and I hope to do at least 30 minutes on it daily.  That doesn't seem like a very intimidating goal.  The diet and exercise isn't just to lose weight (although that would be a very nice bonus).  But moreso to be healthier.  I'm not getting any younger and the statistics on diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc. are scary!

Third, I want to expand my mind more.  I read a lot.  But I want to read more.  And am hoping to expand my reading selection to include autobiographies of inspiring people, maybe books that help make me be a better person, parent, sister, friend.  So while I will still indulge in my fiction favorites, I'll definitely make a conscious effort to diversify.

Lastly, I will  make an effort to be less stressed and less weighed down by things I have no control over.  Petty grievances, unnecessary worry, feeling pulled in too many directions, and just feeling depressed over things I can't control - I wan to consciously avoid.  I need to learn to say no, to set boundaries, to give up control.  It's not very clearly defined how I'll accomplish this but just saying it out loud and putting it into words helps.

So, 4 resolutions as I turn 44.  It's been a great life thus far and with these as a guidelines, I know there is so much more and better things in store! 

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