Wednesday, September 30, 2009

God Bless Us All

These days the news is filled with the wrath of Mother Nature.

The Typhoon and Floods in the Philippines .....

The Earthquakes in Indonesia .....

The Tsunami in American Samoa .....

All the lives lost and the magnitude of devastation is heartbreaking. It is at this time when we all need to put our differences aside, focus on what is important, continue praying and keep our faith strong, and help our fellow man in any way we can.


mom said...

I think that all these calamities happening all over the world is a wake up call from God for man to change his ways and think more for the common good rather than for self. Indeed now is the time to put away any and all differences and do our best for our neighbor.It is so saddening to see the misery that so many suffer and so very heartwarming to make a positive difference even if only in one person's life.

Auntie Lillian said...

How true, Joanne. A lot of people are suffering right now - we need to strengthen our human spirit by praying and keeping faith in the Good Lord.